Friday, September 29, 2017

Julio Fine Art Gallery Opening on 9/28

     I attended the art gallery opening on September 28, 2017 at the Julio Fine Art Gallery. There were a few actual sculptures and also some paintings on the wall. However, I enjoyed the sculptures the most. My favorite one was called Knee High by The 4th of July. It was made by Kyle Bauer using plaster, metal, and poplar. It was tall, yet had the same shape repeating over and over again. Also, I liked that it was very simple. There were no bright colors. The only colors were white, with metal poles and a wood base. It was in the center of the gallery so it immediately caught my eye. The triangular shapes in the white pieces at the top also gave it more dimension than it would have if there were no shapes at all. 
     The next piece that I liked was again by Kyle Bauer and was untitled (Blue/Blue study). This was hanging on a wall with no other artwork, so it really stood out to me. The two different shades of blue really complimented each other and gave the viewer an illusion, in a slight way. Also, I really liked how it was divided into quadrants. They were all symmetrical and proportional with each other making it pleasing and appealing to look at. Lastly, I like how the shapes were. They were organic in appearance, but you could tell that they were almost ovally. 
     Finally, I liked the akin water tower by Kyle Bauer. This one was a sculpture and was in the back corner of the room. I noticed it even more after looking at the Knee High by The 4th of July. It was white and black, so also had minimal and simplistic color to it. I liked this because all of the organic shapes fir perfectly with one another. It created a tower like structure, that seemed to just fit right and stand perfectly erect. The shapes that it was made out of reminded me of an angel-like figure too. I enjoyed going to the art gallery and experiencing different kinds of art that I normally would not see. 

Knee High by The 4th of July

akin water tower

untitled (Blue/Blue study)


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